ipsw SDK for Python

A Python library for the ipsw API. It lets you do anything the ipsw command does, but from within Python apps – download, parse, explore IPSWs, etc.

For more information about the API, `see its documentation <https://blacktop.github.io/ipsw/`_.


The latest stable version is available on PyPI. Either add ipsw to your requirements.txt file or install with pip:

pip install ipsw

Getting started

To talk to a ipsw daemon, you first need to instantiate a client. You can use from_env() to connect using the default socket or the configuration in your environment:

import ipsw
client = ipsw.from_env()

You can now run containers:

>>> client.ipsw_info("iPhone15,2_16.4_20E246_Restore.ipsw")

That’s just a taste of what you can do with the ipsw SDK for Python. For more, take a look at the reference.